
A new prospectus

10 Sept. 2019

Dear investors,

Even though the summer started off pretty hot, markets cooled down in August as trade tensions made headline news once more. The temporary truce that was struck between China and the USA didn’t last much longer than any given alliance did on the popular HBO series “Game of Thrones” and with a single tweet from Donald Trump the United States imposed a 10% tariff on the remaining Chinese imports. As a result of these actions and the subsequent retaliatory measures from China, markets lost about 1.3% during the month in euro-terms.

While the stock market performed poorly on an absolute basis, our funds performed pretty well on a relative basis. Vector Navigator only lost 0.74% during the month and Flexible even gained 0.31%.

In more local news, we recently received approval for our brand-new prospectus. The most important changes that have been made relate to:

  • Lower fees in the main share classes: The ‘C1’ and ‘P’ shares of Vector Navigator and Flexible are seeing their management costs decline from 1.5% to 1.4%.
  • Change in performance fee benchmark: The benchmark of all our global equity classes was changed to the MSCI All Countries index, which includes Emerging Markets and better reflects our investment universe.
  • A change in cut-off time: The cut-off time was brought forward to 11 a.m. on the valuation day. Due to this change investors will receive the NAV at the end of the business day instead of the NAV of the next business day.

We hope that these changes will make the lives of our investors easier. If you have any additional question on these changes (applicable from 24/09/2019 onwards) please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Werner, Thierry and Nils