Top Managers Mixed

Investment strategy

Vector Top Managers Mixed is a fund of funds that selects a number of excellently managed allocation funds. We mainly focus on completely flexible funds that have managed to add value by significantly shifting their tactical asset allocation when market circumstances so required.

Annual return: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 02/25
Vector Top Managers Mixed A Cap: 0,35 -8,93 9,35 4,52 7,48 3,24 2,99 2,67 -7,17 13,92 2,07 12,64 -12,84 7,16 7,97 3,81

The information contained within this site has been compiled with care to ensure accuracy at the date of publication however the development of Vector products and services is continuous and published information may not always be up to date. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The value of investments may fall as well as rise. Investors are expressly informed that this site provides information only, and that investment decisions should be made based on a full reading of the fund prospectus and the most recent financial statements. Vector shall not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature, arising indirectly or directly from use of the data or material on this site.

The information contained within this site has been compiled with care to ensure accuracy at the date of publication however the development of Vector products and services is continuous and published information may not always be up to date. Vector shall not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature, arising indirectly or directly from use of the data or material on this site.

Fund characteristics

Legal form SICAV
ISIN LU0558385422
Bloomberg code VFTMMAA:LX
WKN code Not available
Management Fund of funds
Date of first NAV 2010-11-22
Base currency EUR
Income Allocation Accumulation
Benchmark-index Inflation + 3%
NAV frequency Weekly
Deadline orders At the latest by 11 a.m. (Luxembourg time), on the business day preceding valuation day
Trade date t+0
Settlement date t+5
Assets Under Management (fund level) € 35.319.007
Risk scale 4
Recommended minimum investment horizon 4 years
Authorised in Luxembourg, Belgium, France
Fund managers Thierry Vandeghinste
Managers start date Inception (2010)
Minimum investment € 2.000

Fund costs

Maximum subscription fees 2,00%
Maximum Redemption fees 0,25%
Management fees 1,20%
Performance fees None